Sunday 7 December 2008

A New Description...

The desciption of my blog used to be; My project is about finding personality in inanimate objects. I hope to discover the different way people animate objects from childhood toys to everyday household items. I have three areas of research I am particularly interested in; children and toys, adults and childhood toys, and puppets and puppeteers. This will be ongoing research in order to apply to a design process. I hope to produce a series of outcomes and test if this creates any attachment feelings towards the user.

I have decided that since my territory presentation I have followed the direction of of the puppets and found I have a special interest in animating everyday inanimate objects in order to change peoples values of them. Today I went to a story telling show in Deptford which was assisted by shadow puppets. The show was amazing, even though they didn't end up using the shadow due to technical problems. I have become very excited about the different was of story telling as I have been talking about in my previous blogs that I feel I should change my blog description to the new direction my project has taken. 

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