Thursday, 30 April 2009

Bio: Shadowed Shade from On/Off

The Shadowed Shade came from a series of models made for my On/Off animation, showing the potential for a shadow device to project around the room. I played with vacuum forming different shadows to form a shelf like space to put objects into the shadowed animation space. The On/Off film was a piece to demonstrate my process of modelling, and experimenting with the idea of interventions in front of light sources in order to encourage anthropomorphic animation.

The On/Off film was a piece to demonstrate my process of modelling. This process involved analysing different kinds of shadows, shapes, and the effects of interaction between these. With on of the models, during the filming I felt the urge to move a coin that was placed inside it. This model has turned into the prototyped outcome shaded shade. The device has a place to store objects around the lamp, creating a space for play and animation. The rim around the lamp is a circular stage for shadow play.

Bio: Projection Devices

These objects work on the idea of the building up shadows to create a space for animation in the shadows projection on the ceiling. The object encourages the user to interact with the objects stored in the device. Each objects can be either conceal or reveal its personality through its shadow. The images projected can appear quite abstract but I feel this encourages imagination and the user to create narratives around the objects through the act of anthropomorphism.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

150 words to describe my project.

Animating the Inanimate

My project is about finding personality in inanimate objects through the puppetry of everyday life. I am interested in creating narratives around objects, particularly everyday objects as they can seemingly become mundane.

When researching puppetry I became instantly fascinated in shadow puppetry for its poetic storytelling ability. With my work I have designed systems for promoting a space for animation in an objects shadow. My ideas came from the concept of anthropomorphism, the ability to see human attributes in inanimate objects. I designed these objects in order to open up a debate on how we value the objects we choose to surround ourselves with, the objects that make up our home and change perceptions of them. My aim is that these objects would promote this act so the user can create stories of their own. My projection devices work on the idea of the building up of shadow to create other images, making everyday life a stage.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Friday, 3 April 2009